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Resident Evil - Gamecube

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New costume for Jill,Difficulty Select and New Title Screen
Complete the game with Jill once and save the game.A few
things will change.
1-The main menu will have a different background.
2-If you select the option'Once Again(with your save
data loaded)'you will be given a choice of difficulties
to begin the next game with-Easy,Normal and Hard
3-You will receive a key that enables you a costume
change(in this case Jill's costume)
Samurail Sword
Beat the game in under 5 hours and you will get a very
powerful weapon called the samurai sword
Unlimited Grenade Rounds
1. Equip the Grenade Launcher with any rounds and take
Flame Rounds from the Item Box.
2. Open Item Box again. Put the Flame Rounds into the
Item Box. Move the cursor to Flame Rounds(still in the
item Box menu), and then press A button. The cursor will
be moved to the Grenade Launcher slot.
3. Press A button again, you will see that you have 456
Flame Rounds.
4. Repeat the process to get other type of Grenade Rounds
or as many as you like.
Checking Zombies
If you are not sure if a zombie is dead, walk up fairly
close to it (but not so close that they start chewing
your ankles) and simply back up. If the Zombie is alive,
the character will do a wary backup move instead of the
standard backup done when there is nothing there.
Ending bonuses
Successfully complete the game as Jill or Chris and save the game.
A new background will appear on the main menu. Select the "Once
Again" option when playing your completed saved game. You may now
choose new difficulty settings for the replay. You will also get a
key that will allow the character that completed the game to have
a new costume. Enter the room with the large mirror on the second
floor of the mansion. Unlock the door in the back. Enter the
closet and move all the way to the end of the rack of clothes. A
message asking "There is an outfit that fits you perfectly, do you
want to put it on?" will appear. Select "Yes" to change your
character's clothes. Complete the game again under a different
difficulty setting to unlock a second costume. Jill's bonus
costumes are a commando uniform and her costume from Resident Evil
3. Chris' bonus costumes are casual clothes and his costume from
Resident Evil: Code Veronica.
Successfully complete the game as Jill or Chris in once again mode
under the normal difficulty setting with a time less than five
hours. Save the game at the end, then start a new game to begin
with the Samurai Edge gun.
Successfully complete the game as Jill or Chris with a time less
than three hours. Save the game at the end, then start a new game
to begin with the Rocket Launcher with unlimited ammunition.
Successfully complete the game in once again mode under the normal
difficulty setting with a time less than five hours and thirty
minutes. This unlocks the "Real Survivor" option (item boxes do
not transfer items to each other) and bonus costumes.
Additionally, the aiming system will be manual.
Successfully complete the game two times as Jill or Chris to
unlock the "Invisible Enemy" option. All enemies will be
transparent in this mode.
Successfully complete the game as both Jill and Chris one time to
unlock the "One Dangerous Zombie" option. When this option is
enabled, a special zombie will keep following you around during
the first part of the game. Shooting this zombie will end the
game, so you must avoid it during game play.
Successfully complete the game in invisible enemy mode with a time
less than five hours to unlock a "Special Features" option that
displays a message from the game developers and a gallery of pre-
production costumes.
Alternate Jill scenes
When the game puts you and Barry in the dining room, wait until
Barry sees the blood, then run back to the hall where Wesker is
located. Wesker will tell you to " Investigate shots if heard".
You will then be put back in the dining room. Try to go back in
the hall and Barry will say "Cold feet already Jill? That's not
like you.". When you try to walk to Barry, a alternate beginning
sequence will appear.
There is a different arrangement of scenes that happens from the
usual when you start a new game as Jill. After the "Cold feet"
comment as described above, you will resume control of Jill. Go up
to the fireplace where Barry is located. The game go through as
normal saying, "'It's blood, let's hope it's not Chris'.
Investigate the room for clues while I look at this." Have Jill go
by the left side of the dining table (towards the clock) and a new
intermission sequence will start.
Perspective, from side door
(Door knob turns)
Jill - "Who's there?"
(Door slams open and a zombie comes through and sees Jill.)
(Jill backs away as the zombie follows her,)
Barry - "Hey you! Get away from Jill!" "This guy is crazy!"
(Barry takes two shots and kills the zombie.)
Barry - "What the hell is this thing?" (This is Jill's line when
it is done the normal way)
In the original PlayStation version of the game, this trick would
make you able to take down zombies in three gunshots, but
apparently it will not in the Gamecube version.
Jill upskirt
Unlock Jill's third costume (miniskirt). Get in the hall that has
the door to the costume closet. Go to the end of the hall to
retrieve the dagger, then go back. As always, you will run into
one zombie that startles Jill and causes her to fall. However, the
view with this costume allows you to see up her skirt.
Rebecca's new outfit
When you are in control of Rebecca, you can go to the costume
closet and change her outfit.
Quicker bonus costumes
To gain the bonus costumes for Jill or Chris faster, you must have
two free game save spaces. First, start a file and immediately
before you go to the helipad on top of the lab, save the game and
complete it. When the game asks if you want to save the game, save
it on a different file. The save will read as "Clear". Replay the
file you saved before the end of the game and complete it again.
Save over the file that reads "Clear". Repeat this step again and
save over "Clear" a third time. After that, load the "Clear" file
and start a game in once again mode. Find the closet room, and you
will be able to use all three costumes.
Checking Zombies
If you are not sure if a Zombie is dead, walk up fairly close to
it (but not so close that they start chewing your ankles) and
simply back up. If the Zombie is alive, the character will do a
wary backup move instead of the standard backup done when there is
nothing there.
One way to see if A zombie is dead is to face away from it and
press R. You should automatically turn around to face the Zombie
if it is still alive.
To make sure that a Zombie has died when it falls down after
shooting it, look down. If you see a pool of blood flowing, it is
dead. If there is no pool of blood, the Zombie is still alive.
Incinerating Zombies
There are two ways to incinerate (burn) Zombies. If you have the
lighter (one of Chris's initial items or found by Jill throughout
the course of the game), and a fuel tank with some kerosene, you
may burn Zombies that you have killed. If the Zombies have already
turned into Crimsons (if they are all red or if you have killed
them thirty minutes to one hour ago), then you cannot burn them.
Another way to incinerate Zombies is to use the Incendiary rounds
for the Grenade Launcher (Jill only). If you encounter a Zombie,
shoot it with an incendiary round to immediately burn it to a
crisp. If you have killed the Zombie by other means