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Exotic Weapon Destiny:
You can access all of them in Homecoming mission. Fortunately, there is no
struggle in the process. When you start playing the mission in Beta, after
landing on the destroyed The Last City, you will pass injured people. A
guard wills open door for you to the weaponry, there you can pick up the
weapons. Enter the armory and this is the first time you get some rifles.
This is one chance to pick up good weapons before you land into the battle.

So below are the three weapons you can carry.

Infinite Super Charge:
* Let the pikes arrive and kill the riders at the beginning of Inverted
Spire strike.
* At the time of getting on Pike, just pop Super and you will see the
character summoned the Staff or Shield or Sword, depending on the
class you choose.
* Next Switch the Primary Weapon and Then Switch back to the original
one you were holding before. That’s it. The Super Charge bar remains
filled up according to this step in the post, you can also checkout
the gif images shared by the users on Reddit in the source link below.
* As per the post the glitch works well, and you have unlimited Super
charge to take down bigger enemies. This is pretty helpful when you
are in middle of enemies’ crowd, otherwise your weapons and movement
skills are crucial to survive.

Unlocking the Sparrow:
To unlock the Sparrow before the end of the game, you have to get it through
a Bright Engram. Bright Engrams are earned by leveling up. You can also purchase
them with Silver, which is bought through microtransactions using real money.
Turn the Bright Engrams into Tess Everis at The Farm to decrypt. There is a
small chance you will unlock a Sparrow. To buy a Sparrow after completing the
game, find Amanda Holliday in The Tower - Social Sector. She sells Sparrows.
The Tower becomes available after completing the main campaign and defeating
the final Boss. The Sparrow is a one-person mount a guardian can summon from
their inventory to get around more quickly. Weapons cannot be used on Sparrows,
but boosting into opponents will inflict damage.
Your Sparrow cannot be destroyed.
If you leave it behind, you can simply summon another one.

Unlocking The Tower:
Successfully complete the main campaign and defeat the final Boss to unlock
The Tower, which contains lots of new vendors and end-game activities.

Farming Legendary Shards:
Legendary Shards basically replace Strange Coins from the original Destiny.
They are used to purchase Exotic weapons, armor, and items from Xur, who
randomly appears each weekend in different areas across the four major zones.

The following are ways to obtain Legendary Shards:

Break down Legendary weapons/armor : 2 shards
Break down Exotic weapons/armor : 10 shards

Nightfall Strikes, Flashpoints, Lost Sector Chests, Raid Chests, Raid Encounters,
Strike Bosses, Planetary Chests: Random. There are lots of opportunities to earn
Legendary Shards, but the most common and consistent ways to get them are by
breaking down Legendary weapons and armor and by completing weekly activities.

To earn the most Legendary Shards per week, complete weekly activities that
guarantee Legendary Shard drops. Complete the weekly Nightfall, Raid, and
Flashpoint with all three of your character slots to maximize the Legendary
Shards. Characters can share their inventory -- so this is the best way to
earn guaranteed Legendary Shards.

Lost Sectors are found on all four planets and can be completed for more
Legendary Shards. However, these cannot be farmed since the loot will not
refresh after completing them. You will still want to complete all the Lost
Sectors in every area with all three of your characters to obtain some extra
one-time-only shards.

Note: If you are really in need of additional shards, you can grind Strike
Bosses and Planetary Chests for a rare chance at more Legendary Shards. The
best method is to just keep earning Legendary items. Exotics are too rare,
and breaking them down might not be worthwhile -- so it is better to focus
on Legendary gear you will regularly earn through Crucible matches, Legendary
Engrams, and most other end-game activity.

How To Unlock All Sub-Classes:
First you have to reach Level 8, when you start playing Destiny 2. Well this
is not really confirmed, but according to the source, you will need a good
level to unlock the sub-classes. Once you are done, you have to do is find
a Public Event.

* Once you are done playing Public Event you will get a Loot Chest.
* Open the Chest and you will find a Subclass Relic, this one will be a Rare
* Once you find this Rare/Blue item you have to Charge the relic. And for
this you will have to play around 5 to 7 Public Event when you get a fully
charge Sub-Class Relic.
* Once done then you will be able to unlock unique Subclass Quest called
Shard of the Traveler in EDZ (European Dead Zone.) The recommended Power
Level for this mission is 50, but it is good if you go with 100.
* Once you are done with it you have to load the mission and then you have
to finish it. Then you will get your Second Subclass.

Note: The rare drops will not keep on appearing, you have to keep playing
Public Event and in between you might land up these rare items.

How To Complete Scouting Patrol In The Farm:
First you have to Load into The Farm, you can play with any character.
There is no specific requirement.

* Then go to the first Transmission Tower and then climb over it, go on
top and then you will see a huge Wheel, climb it.
* You will see a roof nearby the wheel, pass through that and you will
reach a White Transmission Building.
* Keep moving ahead from the roof, you will be walking on a set of wires
that will lead you to the Last Transmission Building. You will earn
Sentry Ranks x2 as in your path with Vertigo completed.
* Now go on the top of third Tower, you have to just get back to the
wheel first. And you will get Sentry Ranks x4.
* Once you earn the rank you have to locate the Bonfire around, go
there and Start Scouting Patrol.
* After this as the Patrol starts, you will see yourself covered in
red light and this will let you to jumper higher than normal. So
simply jump and then activate Each Node, just look for the Blue
lights around.

That's it, after you are done you had completed the Scouting Patrol.
Well it is a kind of Mini-game that does not really give you huge rewards,
but you can enjoy the quest.

Lost Sector locations:
Search the indicated locations to find the Lost Sectors:

-=European Dead Zone=-
Atrium: It is located inside the church with Devrim. Drop down into the church
and proceed towards the exit. Go down the stairs from the symbol on the right
side to kill the enemies and find the loot.

Terminus East: From the previous one, go out of the church and proceed towards
the truck. Slip under the shutter near the truck to find the loot.

Widows Walk: From the previous Lost Sector, continue along the road on the
left side. Shortly ahead, enter the structure with a blue board above it.
Once inside, go right to find it.

Scavengers Den: Enter the area to drop down from the water.
Then, circle around to see the entrance.

The Drain: Reach the large area with water and statues. Continue ahead by
staying to the right side to see a ruin. From that area, drop into the water
to find the entrance o