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Update by: bart beuving

Bring up the console with [~] then type any of the following cheat codes:
Note: To enable the console, add +set com_allowConsole 1 to your command-line
shortcut for the game. Alternately, you can try using [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [~] to
bring up the console.

Example: C:\Doom3\doom3.exe +set com_allowConsole 1
-or- if your game is stored in a folder with a space:
Example: "C:\Program Files\Doom3\doom3.exe" +set com_allowConsole 1

Code Result
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Invisibility
benchmark - Benchmark Game
doomhell - Skip All Levels
freeze - Freeze Everything
aviDemo - Save Demo in AVI Format
gfxinfo - Graphics Card Info
give all - All Weapons and Ammo
give doom95 - Load '95 Version of Doom
give keys - Give All Keys
give weapon_machinegun - Give Machine Gun
give weapon_shotgun - Give Shotgun
give weapon_plasmagun - Give Plasma Gun
give weapon_bfg - Give BFG
give weapon_chainsaw - Give Chainsaw
give weapon_rocketlauncher - Give Rocket Launcher
status - Your Game Status
quit - Quit Game
com_drawfps 1 - Show FPS
map # Load Map # - (See List)
spawn # Spawn # - (See List)

Map List:
(Use with the MAP command)

Map Map Name
marscity1.map - Mars City 1
mcunderground.map - Mars Underground
marscity2.map - Mars City 2
admin.map - Administration
alpha1.map - Alpha Labs Sector 1
alpha2.map - Alpha Labs Sector 2
alpha3.map - Alpha Labs Sector 3
alpha4.map - Alpha Labs Sector 4
enpro.map - EnPro Plant
commout.map - Comm Transfer
communications.map - Communications
recycling1.map - Monorail Skybridge
recycling2.map - Recycling Sector 2
monorail.map - Monorail
delta1.map - Delta Labs Level 1
delta2a.map - Delta Labs Level 2A
delta2b.map - Delta Labs Level 2B
delta3.map - Delta Labs Level 3
delta4.map - Delta Labs Level 4
hell.map - Hell
delta5.map - Delta Complex
cpu1.map - CPU Complex
cpuboss.map - Central Processing
site3.map - Site 3
caverns1.map - Caverns Area 1
caverns2.map - Caverns Area 2
hellhole.map - Primary Excavation

Spawn List:
(Use with the SPAWN command)

Flaming Zombie - monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie - monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun - monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol - monster_zombie_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield - monster_zombie_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun - monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie - monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun - monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie - monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench - monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie - monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw - monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench - monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie - monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie - monster_zombie_maint
Zombie - monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight - monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie - monster_zombie_suit_skinny
Zombie in Labcoat - monster_zombie_labcoat
Zombie Missing Limb - monster_zombie_limb
Zombie - monster_zombie_skinny
Zombie with a pipe - monster_zombie_pipe
Zombie in T-shirt - monster_zombie_tshirt_bald
Zombie - monster_zombie_tshirt_blown
Zombie in Jumpsuit - monster_zombie_jumpsuit
Zombie Eating - monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating
Archvile - monster_demon_archvile
Cherub - monster_demon_cherub
Hellknight - monster_demon_hellknight
Imp - monster_demon_imp
Maggot - monster_demon_maggot
Mancubus - monster_demon_mancubus
Pinky - monster_demon_pinky
Revenant - monster_demon_revenant
Tick - monster_demon_tick
Trite - monster_demon_trite
Wraith - monster_demon_wraith
Cyberdemon - monster_boss_cyberdemon
Gaurdian - monster_boss_guardian
Guardian's Seeker - monster_boss_guardian_seeker
Sabaoth - monster_boss_sabaoth
Vagary - monster_boss_Vagary


In Doom 3, Delta Labs - Level 2.you wrote: "There is a cabinet here, but
I don't know the code, so if you know where to find the missing PDA,
please let me know" it is not a PDA is on a sticky to the right of the
keypad of cabinet 114 the code is 715.


Bring the console menu by pressing CTRL+Shift+ ~ or CTRL+ALT+~. I forgot
which one works.Anyway type the following in the console:

god - [on],[off] turns god mode on or off
notarget - invisibility for some monsters
give health - gives you maximum health
give ammo - gives you ammunition for all weapons available
give armor - gives maximum armor

other cheats I discovered during the game:

spawn item_medkit - spawns medkit
spawn weapon_X - where x is the name of the weapon

Be creative type randomly what comes in to your mind: This might work
give keys or give cards
I just hope it works haven't try it yet


About that Cabinet containin the BFG Gun the Code is 931 you should
find the PDA in the first two stages I guss...

Spawn List: (Use with the SPAWN command):

Flaming Zombie : monster_zombie_bernie
Chainsaw Zombie : monster_zombie_sawyer
Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zsec_machinegun
Z-sec Zombie with pistol : monster_zsec_pistol
Z-sec Zombie with shield : monster_zombie_zsec_shield
Z-sec Zombie with shotgun : monster_zsec_shotgun
Commando Zombie : monster_zombie_commando
Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun
Fat Zombie : monster_zombie_fat2
Fat Zombie with wrench : monster_zombie_fat_wrench
Bald Zombie : monster_zombie_maint_bald
Zombie with no jaw : monster_zombie_maint_nojaw
Zombie with Wrench : monster_zombie_maint_wrench
Skinny Zombie : monster_zombie_maint_skinny
Zombie : monster_zombie_maint
Zombie : monster_zombie_maint2
Zombie wth Flashlight : monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight
Headless Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_neckstump
Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth
Skinny Zombie : monster_zombie_suit_skinny