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All Available Commands:
Written by Sewerynque

/help - Help
/w [firstname] [lastname] [content] - Wihisper
/unstuck - Unstuck
/players - Online gamers
/party [invite/uninvite/leave] - Party
/duel invite [firstname] [lastname] - PvP

/citypropelist - Listo of plots
/cityprope - Information about the plot you are currently standing at
/citypropebuy - You buy a plot on which you stand
/cityproperemove - Delete the plot you are standing on (City owner)
/citypropeprice - Determining the price of a plot if 0 is not for sale
/city - Information about the city you are in

/reset - Removes the character
/resetSkills - Resets skill points and characters points
(Does not reset the player level)