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Grand Slam Turkey Hunt - PC

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To activate these cheats, press F2 during gameplay,
type the code, then press Enter.

Code Result
GSAMMO - To get infinti AMMO (gun never reloads)
GSFLASH - makes you run fast
GSSUPAFLASH - makes you run super fast
GSWWRRIGHT - makes you fly
GSSIDEWIND - takes you right to a turkey
GSDOOLITTLE - turkeys won't be afraid of you
GSTRACKER - reveals location of animals on the map
GSDEADEYE - arrow cam
GSCALLIN - brings the turkeys to you
GSLOCK - locks onto a turkey
GSBADDREAMS - slow bullets
GSRAIN - rain
GSSNOW - snow
GSTHUNDER - thunder
GSLIGHT - lightning
GSBULLETCAM - camera follows bullet
GSFIND - takes you up close to the nearest turkey
GSCADDYSHACK - lets you walk around at the target range

Easy hunting:
Enable the gslock code followed by the gsfind code. You will be
running very fast after a turkey. Then, just take out your gun
and shoot it.