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Lego Harry Potter - Years 1-4 - PC

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Cheat mode:
After the Leaky Cauldron hub area is unlocked, enter Wiseacres Wizarding
Equipment in Diagon Alley. Go upstairs, then enter one of the following
passwords to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Password Effect
QE4VC7 - Gold Brick 01
FY8H97 - Gold Brick 02
3MQT4P - Gold Brick 03
PQPM7Z - Gold Brick 04
ZY2CPA - Gold Brick 05
3GMTP6 - Gold Brick 06
XY6VYZ - Gold Brick 07
TUNC4W - Gold Brick 08
EJ42Q6 - Gold Brick 09
GFJCV9 - Gold Brick 10
DZCY6G - Gold Brick 11
AUC8EH - Carrot Wands
H27KGC - Character Studs
HA79V8 - Character Token Detector
T7PVVN - Christmas
4DMK2R - Disguise
J9U6Z9 - Extra Hearts
ZEX7MV - Fall Rescue
Z9BFAD - Fast Dig
FA3GQA - Fast Magic
84QNQN - Gold Brick Detector
TTMC6D - Hogwarts Crest Detector
F88VUW - Ice Rink
QQWC6B - Invincibility
7AD7HE - Red Brick Detector
89ML2W - Regenerate Hearts
H8X69Y - Score x10
74YKR7 - Score x2
J3WHNK - Score x4
XK9ANE - Score x6
HUFV2H - Score x8
HZBVX7 - Silhouttes
BMEU6X - Singing Mandrake
67FKWZ - Stud Magnet

Password Effect
VE9VV7 - Accio
QFB6NR - Anteoculatia
6DNR6L - Calvorio
9GJ442 - Colovaria
CD4JLX - Engorgio Skullus
MYN3NB - Entomorphis
ND2L7W - Flipendo
ERA9DR - Glacius
H8FTHL - Herbifors
YEB9Q9 - Incarcerous
2M2XJ6 - Locomotor Mortis
JK6QRM - Multicorfors
UW8LRH - Redactum Skullus
2UCA3M - Rictusempra
U6EE8X - Slugulus Eructo
UWDJ4Y - Stupefy
KWWQ44 - Tarentallegra
YZNRF6 - Trip Jinx

Red Haired Ron:
After completing the first two levels of the game, you should have enough
LEGO Pieces access this Easter Egg. Go into the wizard town through the
Leaky Cauldron, the last shop on the left (before the bank), sells custom
spells. Purchase the spell called 'Multicorfors'(a spell that turns the
characters into "gingers"). Cast it on Ron Weasley. Once cast, he will
shake his head as if it has worn off, but his hair will not revert back
to its natural color.

Quick Coins:
Find, post and purchase the "Collect Ghost Studs" extra. The parcel was
either in Harry's bedroom or on the courtyard fountain (You will need to
have learned the Leviosa spell first). Once activated the Ghost Studs are
worth 1,000 each. "Get lost" the ghost will return to you and lay more
studs -- it's easy money. A full trip from the Dorm to the Great Hall
is worth about 100,000.

Christmas in July:
If you purchase and use the "Christmas" extra, the room you use it in will
keep playing the same music for the rest of the game... Just like the red-
haired Ron cheat, it will not revert back to its regular music.

Red Sparkles:
In order to do away with the objects with red sparkles around them you have
to use dark magic. In order to use dark magic you need to use the Polyjuice
Potion (or use an evil character on freeplay -- e.g. Lord Voldemort, Tom
Riddle or Barty Crouch Jr.). Evil characters' Wingardium Leviosa spell is
changed to the Crucio curse (but works just the same as Leviosa) and can
now destroy the red sparkly objects.

Dungeon of Death:
There is a "dungeon" in Flitwick's Wingardium Leviosa room, under a trap door
with a big shiny lock (You need Reducto to open it, which you don't get until
year 4). When you jump in, you can get some loot (bring a Dark Magic user) --
but then you are seemingly trapped. THERE IS HOPE! Using Hermione, make your
active spell Crookshanks. Go to the left top corner, and jump out of the
window while tapping the spell button. When it works, Crookshanks will appear
in the classroom, and you can walk out of the room. It takes a few tries, and
you will probably kill Hermione a bunch of times, but it will work.

Unlimited Ghost Studs:
Whenever Nearly Headless Nick is floating still (and you have the Ghost Stud
extra on), stand under him and he'll constantly give you ghost studs.