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M.I.B. - Men in Black - PC

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Update by: akash

While in the game, press "ESC" to get to the main menu,
then type "DOUGMATIC" several times until you are returned
to the game. Press ESC again and type any of the following:

Code Result
AGENTJ - change your agent to J
AGENTK - change your agent to K
AGENTL - change your agent to L
AGENTX - change your agent to X
GIVEME - all weapons
LOADME - infinite ammo
HEALME - full health
4HEALME - full health
MOVEME - gives saved games of all levels
PROTECTME - invulnerable / God Mode
KILLEM - kills all enemies
HQ - sends back to MiB HQ
ARCTIC - goes to Arctic Level
NEWYORK - goes to New York
UNDERGROUND - goes to underground level
AMAZON - goes to Amazon level
TEMPLE - goes to temple level
FRALES - goes to Frales house level
mnbomb - allbombs

Face bitmap code:
You can play MIB as anyone (even yourself). Just replace the files:


with any head bitmap (even a pic of yourself). Then use the cheats to
play as Agent X.


When in the last level and when fighting the boss aka Frales do not use
any gun except the gun of key no. 7 as the other guns have no effect on him.

Remove sunglasses:
Press G while playing any MIB agent except for Laurel.

Stay as New York Agent J:
First, start a new game. Then when game is in progress, hit Esc. and
highlite New Game,(Don't push the mouse button) and type "DOUGMATIC"
and the Esc. screen will go off and you can play again. Then, press
escape again, and highlite New Game and type in any of the four options
below to be New York Dressed Agent J.

-Type ARCTIC to go to the arctic as NY Agent J
-Type AMAZON to go to Amazon and be NY Agent J
-Type in FRALES to go to The Estate of Skip Frales and be NY Agent J
-Type in HQ and go to Men In Black Head Quarters and be NY Agent J


While you playing men in black press escape button and write [dougmatic] the
escape menu will disapper and press escape and write [hq] you will see your
black menin hq level you will see a white room there is a door in these white
room you can play by any one of the men and a women.