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Obscure - PC

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Special mode:
Successfully complete the game.

Morgenstern bat:
Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode.

Laser-sight pistol:
Successfully complete the game under the normal or higher difficulty setting, then
start another game in special mode. The first available gun will now be a pistol
with a laser sight.

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game, then start another game in special mode.
Note: Only characters that survived will have an alternate costume.

FMV sequences:
Successfully complete the game to unlock a making of, behind the scenes, and
two music videos.

Hard Mode - Clear the game.
Special Mode/New Costumes - Clear the game.
Sum41 and Span Music Videos - Clear the game.
New weapons - Clear the game (baseball bat and laser scoped handgun).

Alternate menu background:
Successfully complete the game.

Gallery 1:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Gallery 2:
Successfully complete the game in special mode.