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Prince Of Persia (2008) - PC

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Play as Classic Prince:
At the main menu, select the "Extras" option. Choose the "Skin Manager"
selection, then enter "525858542" as a code to unlock the Classic Prince
from Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time.

Play as Prince Altair:
At the main menu, select the "Extras" option. Choose the "Skin Manager"
selection, then enter "13372805" as a code to unlock Altair from Assassin's
Creed at the "Skin Manager" menu.

Play as Prince Altair Ibn La-Ahad:
At the main menu, select the "Extras" option, and register the game to
link your online profile to ubi.net to unlock Prince Altair Ibn La-Ahad
at the "Skin Manager" menu.

Play as Princess Jade Shauni Photowoman:
Successfully complete Story mode to unlock Princess Jade Shauni Photowoman
from Beyond Good And Evil at the "Skin Manager" menu.

Prototype Costumes:
The Prototype costumes (skins) for The Prince and Elika may be unlocked by
defeating the final boss and obtaining the 1001 Light Seed.

Assassins' View:
Wrapping around the Martyr's Tower are stairs which lead to th at area's
feRtiLe grounds. Midway up these stairs is a suspicious lookingbeam. Put
the prince dude and the Persian princess (Ormazd is the light god of the
old Persian faith) on that beam for this task to register.

Titanic View:
The Machinery Grounds' feRtiLe grounds is on a giant airship. Put the
prince dude and the Persian princess (Ormazd is the light god of the old
Persian faith) on the ship's prow beam for this task to register.

Highest And Lowest Points:
To get the highest point in the game, defeat the Alchemist in his Observatory.

To get the lowest point in the game, look at the perimeter of the tree shrine
while in the desert. Near the edge of the cliff, there is a small room under
the shrine's roots. Stand inside for this task to register.

Altair (Assassin's Creed) Prince skin:
Select "Extras" at the main menu. Select "Skin Managers", then enter 13372805
as a code.

Prototype Prince and Elika skins:
Collect all 1001 Light Seeds. Note: The final Light Seed is only collectible
after completing the game.

Architecture screensaver:
If while you are playing, do not touch the controls for some minutes, the
game will go into some sort of screensaver mode, where the camera will start
showing off the architecture of the level.

All achievements & secret achievements:

Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of
Gamerscore points:

Wallrunner (10 points): Completing the Canyon.
Compass (10 points): Use the Compass.
Heal the Land (30 points): First Healing.
Saviour of the City of Light (50 points): Final Healing.
Explorer (20 points): Explore every part of every region.
Block Master (20 points): Block 50 attacks.
Deflect Master (20 points): Deflect 20 attacks.
Sword Master (20 points): Perform 14 hits in one combo.
Improviser (10 points): Use the environment against an enemy.
Up against it (10 points): Win a wall mini-game in combat.
Warrior Special (20 points): Dodge the Warrior's attacks 20 times in one battle.
Hunter Special (20 points): Deflect the Hunter's attacks 5 times in one battle.
Alchemist Special (20 points): Defeat the Alchemist without using the acrobatic button.
Concubine Special (20 points): Defeat the Concubine without using grab.
Light Seeds Finder (10 points): Collect 100 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Collector (10 points): Collect 200 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Provider (10 points): Collect 300 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Locator (10 points): Collect 400 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Harvester (10 points): Collect 500 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Hoarder (10 points): Collect 600 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Gatherer (10 points): Collect 700 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Accumulator (10 points): Collect 800 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds Protector (10 points): Collect 900 Light Seeds.
Light Seeds master (50 points): Collect 1001 Light Seeds.
Speed Kill (10 points): Kill 10 generic enemies before they spawn.
Throw Master (10 points): Throw 10 Soldiers of Ahriman into pits.
Assassin View (10 points): Find the Assassin's view.
Titanic view (10 points): Find the Titanic View.
In Harmony (10 points): 500 coop jumps.
Precious Time (10 points): Take one minute to think.
Where's that Temple? (10 points): Talk to Elika.
Getting to Know You (10 points): Get to know Elika by talking to her.
Good Company (10 points): Learn about the world, and Elika's history.
Climbing to New Heights! (10 points): Find the highest point in the world.
Sinking to New Depths! (10 points): Find the lowest point in the world.
Speed Demon (10 points): Finish the game in under 12 hours.
Combo Specialist (50 points): Find every combo in the game.

Additionally, there are eight secret achievements:
Into the Storm... (10 points): Enter the Canyon.
Saved! (10 points): Unlock Elika's Saving Ability.
Now who's the Hunter? (20 points): Kill the Hunter in his Lair.
Death of a Warrior King (20 points): Kill the Warrior in his Fortress.
Death of a Concubine (20 points): Kill the Concubine in her Palace.
Traitor's End (20 points): Kill the Alchemist in his Observatory.
From Darkness... Light! (30 points): Reimprison Ahriman.
To be continued... (80 points): Successfully complete the game.

"The Epilogue" bonus downloadable content achievements:

"The Epilogue" bonus downloadable content:
the Frescos (20 points): Reach all Ormazd's Frescos in the Epilogue.

A Fresco of Light (10 points): Reach one Ormazd's Fresco in the Epilogue.
Bouncing From Here to There (20 points): Complete the puzzle with rebound in the Epilogue.
Leaving the Storm (30 points): Complete the Epilogue.
The Best Offence is Good Defence (20 points): Defeat any enemy of the Epilogue by only starting
a combo with a Deflect and Counter-Attack.
Change Once, Then Die (20 points): In the Epilogue, defeat the Shapeshifter with only one shape
Born Dead (40 points): Kill all the soldiers of the Epilogue before they spawn.

Additionally, there are three secret achievements with "The Epilogue" bonus:
What Once was There (10 points): First use of Energize in the Epilogue.
I Only Need a Hand or Twenty (40 points): Elika saves you fewer than 20 times in the whole Epilogue.
No Time to Waste (40 points): Complete the Epilogue in less than 2 hours

Easily Completing the Achievements:

Easy "Assassin View" achievement
Go halfway up the stairs that wrap around the Martyr's Tower and eventually lead to its
fertile grounds. Put the prince and the Persian princess on the strange looking beam there
to get the "Assassin View" achievement.

Easy "Combo Specialist" achievement