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Starship Troopers - PC

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* Make a fully utilize of the MST (stealth and sniper), kill all brainbug first before
you make an attack. Whatever you do, make sure the brainbug is dead, else the worrior
bugs will track you where ever you go!
* Do Not jump if the hoppers is above you! Always do the formation if you encounter the
* How to use the novabomb - click at the novabomb and click on the ground (where you
want to place it).
* Sometimes you cannot ambush the bughole if the is many worriorbugs petroling around.
Use the sniper and shoot at the bughole (some of the bughole can be shoot!).

Extra experience:
Use a text editor to edit the "st_db_attr" file in the "stta\units" folder. Change this
portion of line 26 from "1 0 0 15 0 0 1" to "1 0 0 200 0 0 1".

Extra equipment:
Use a text editor to edit the "interface.txt" files in the "mission" folder. Change the
various equipment values from 3 to 12 or 18. The values in all the files must be changed
for each mission.

Extra storage depot ammunition:
Use a text editor to edit the "st_db_attr" file in the "stta\units" folder.
Change the "10000" in position 6 of line 29 to "100000".

Unlock weapons and tech soldiers:
Use a text editor to edit the "interface.txt" file in the "mission" folder. Locate the
"Excluded" heading in the file and remove all the lines in that area. This will unlock
all the weapons and all the tech soldiers (MIST, psychic) in that particular mission. 1

Gain More Experience:
To have your troopers gain more experience after each battle, go to the
"stta\units" directory and open the st_db_attr file in notepad.
Go to line 26. It should start out as:

26 1 0 0 15 0 0 1...
Change this line to
26 1 0 0 200 0 0 1...

You can try other values besides 200 to tweak the experience growth of your

Early Weapon Availability:
Just go to Starship Troopers directory and then the mission directory. Go to
the mission directory and look for the interface.txt files, open the file and
you should see a whole bunch of items in the "Excluded" area, just delete all
these lines. Do this for each interface.txt file and you'll get all the weapons
and all the tech soldiers (MIST, psychic) before they would have been given in
the actual game.

After making it to the last level you can't get through cause the Royal Warrior
Bugs don't let you? Here’s a cheat that will get the job done. Enter the
Missions folder that you can find in the main directory. Look for another folder
named " c3m7 ". Open it and you will see a score of text file in a sequential
order from " bh_1_1" to " bh_b6_3 ". These are instructions for the bug holes
and they decide which bug will come out of a specific bug hole. All of these
files contain instructions for the Royal Warrior Bug apparent by the line
"bug_type = royalwarrior 100 ". Edit the line to " bug_type = warrior 100 "
and you won't face these scary bugs anymore. Once this is taken care of, you
can handle anything since most of your troops are in 1st Class Marauder suits
armed with double chaincannons. Make sure all the lines in the files (bh_1_1"
to " bh_b6_3 ) are edited. I recommend that you copy the folder " c3m7 "
somewhere else before tampering with it.


* Ammunition is a scarce commodity. However, using the right bullet for the
job helps. Use the small arms for the in your face bug work. Save the
missiles, grenades, and nukes for the bug holes and Tankers.

* Heavy nerve gas is a gutsy way to ruin a bug hole's day. Make sure that you
have a squad covering the poor soul hoping to drop the gas down the hole.

* Ambush Arachnids whenever possible. Use three squads to form a U. Run a
couple of Mobile Infantry under the bug's nose and lead it back to your
trap. Rinse and repeat for the large bug swarms.


Find the Starship Troopers shortcut in the Start Menu or your desktop (if you
made one during installation). Click on it once to gray it, then open the context
menu through your keyboard or the secondary mouse key (right for right-handed,
left for left-handed). Open the shortcut's properties and locate the "Target"
box. Don't change the command in the quotation marks and just add


outside of the quotation marks. OK the change and run the game using that
changed shortcut. While playing, you have the option now to press the tilde
key (this key is next to the number 1 on the numeric row) to lower the
developer's console. Type in these codes for cheats you can do:

help - (lists all codes for your version of SST)
god - (invulnerability on and off)
ammo - (maximum ammo for all weapons, even non-equipped ones)
gun - (weapon is show or hidden)
hud - (HUD is shown or hidden)
speed <#> - (speed goes to this number, the default number is 1)
evileye - (your targeting reticle kills enemies instantly)
banzai - (combines god, evileye, and gives speed of 3)

Unlock All Extras
Find the profile you want to be changed in the directory "\My Documents\Empire
Interactive\SST\Profiles\". This is for an XP installation. For Windows 2000
or NT users, this may be different. It's not known if SST runs on Windows 98ME
or not. In any case, you can find that profile file (and the directory
incidentally) by searching for your profile using Window's internal search
function. The file name of your profile is exactly as you named it. Once you
find your profile you want to have all the extras, open it using Notepad.

Find the line "UnlockedItemIDs" in the profile file and replace the quoted
numbers in between the brackets with the following:

[ "1" , "2" , "3" , "4" , "5" , "6" , "7" , "8" , "9" , "10" , "11" , "12" , "1
3" , "14" , "15" , "16" , "17" , "18" , "19" , "20" , "21" , "22" , "23" , "24"
, "25" , "26" , "27" , "28" , "29" , "30" , "31" , "32" , "33" , "34" , "35" ,
"36" , "37" , "38" , "39" , "40" , "41" , "42" , "43" , "44" , "45" , "46" , "
47" , "48" , "49" , "50" , "51" , "52" , "53" , "54" , "55" , "56" , "57" , "58
" , "59" , "60" , "61" , "62" , "63" , "64" , "65" , "66" , "67" , "68" , "69"
, "70" , "71" , "72" , "73" , "74" , "75" , "76" , "77" , "78" , "79" , "80" ,
"81" , "82" , "83" , "84" , "85" , "86" , "87" , "88" , "89" , "90" , "91" , "9
2" , "93" , "94" , "