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Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 - PC

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Select "Options", then choose "Cheats". In the cheats menu enter following:

Code Effect
MOON$HOT - for moon gravity
(skater jumps 5x high and far actually just for fun, i think)
FBIAGENT - for Matrix mode
(out of halfpipe you get 'bullet time' and can always manage
to land safely plus make gr8er combos and 4x score)
I'MYELLOW - Always special
WATCH_ME_EXPLODE - unlocks levels
(it unlocks ALL but as i once manged to complete this game
i need it not)
FREEWHEELIE - Perfect manuals
BELIKEERIC - Perfect rail

To Unlock All Cheats:

In the enter cheat menu, enter the following: watch_me_xplode

Cheat mode:
Update by: Rohit

During the game, type one of the following to enable a cheat:

Code Result
ILOVEKELLOGGS - Menu for the music
SMACKSAREGREAT - Plus three lives
PCENGINEBYNEON - Cheat mode, where:
1 - All hearts filled up
2 - End level with success
3 - All keys
4 - Menu for warps

Do a full backflip:
Get $9000 and buy Secret Skater 3. Select his special, "Ho Ho Ho Street Plant".
Begin to do one, but before it shows the trick at the bottom of the screen, ollie.
The character will do a backflip if timed correctly.

Skate sideways:
Go to any part in the game that has a ramp and then a flat surface above it (for
example, the right side of the rhinos pen on the Zoo or at the crates in the Shipyard).
Then, slowly skate up the ramp and turn.

Fat kid skater:
Buy the ''Gorilla'' and ''Kid'' cheats. Go to any level with any character, except
the bonus ones. Then, enter the options and enable both of those cheats.

Invisible skater:
Select a male skater in create-a-skater mode. Make him bald, with no jewelry,
clothes, and hair except the boxer briefs. Then, enable the "Invisible mode" cheat
and your skater will be invisible except for the board.

Huge combos:
Enable the "Matrix mode" and "Moon gravity" codes for huge combos.

The Perfect Skitch:
To unlock the ability to accomplish the perfect skitch, insert the password "bumperrub"
in the in-game cheats menu.


Play as Daisy:
Spend $100,000 at the store after finding all gaps and getting a 100% completion.

Play as Eddie:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Jango Fett:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Play as Mike Vallely:
Spend $9,000 at the store.

Carnival level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Chicago level:
Spend $15,000 at the store.

Big Head mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Cool Specials mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Disco mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Flame mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Gorilla mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Hoverboard mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Invisible mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Kid mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Sim mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Slow motion mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Super Blood mode:
Spend $1,000 at the store.

Clown's hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Clown's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Clown's shoes:
Spend $150 at the store.

Eraser hair:
Spend $250 at the store.

Heart boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.

Kenny's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Spend $150 at the store.

King glasses:
Spend $100 at the store.

Metal head:
Spend $300 at the store.

Officer Dick's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Officer Dick's shirt:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's coat:
Spend $250 at the store.

Ollie's head:
Spend $400 at the store.

Ollie's pants:
Spend $250 at the store.

Paper bag:
Spend $300 at the store.

Smiley boxers:
Spend $150 at the store.


type in small letters
Unlocks everything including levels, secret skaters, cheats, etc

Hidden created skaters:
Enter one of the following names at the create a skater screen and their stats will appear.
Note: Do not try to modify or change any of the following skaters and save afterwards. You may lose your saved game file.
Aaron Skillman
Adam Lippman
Andrew Skates
Andy Marchal
Atiba Jefferson
Ben Scott Pye
Big Tex
Brian Jennings
Captain Liberty
Chauwa Steel
Chris Peacock
Dave Stohl
Gary Jesdanun
Greg Dione
Henry Ji
Jason Uyeda
Jim Jagger
Joe Favazza
John Rosser
Kevin Mulhall
Lindsey Hayes
Lisa G Davies
Little Man
Marilena Rixfor
Mat Hoffman
Matt Mcpherson
Maya's Daddy
Meek West
Mike Day
Mike Lashever
Mike Ward
Mr. Brad
Nolan Nelson
Parking Guy
Pete Day
Rick Thorne
Stacey D
Stacey Ytuarte
Team Chicken
Ted Barber
Todd Wahoske
Top Bloke
Zac ZiG Drake

Ride the rollercoaster:
The large rollercoaster in the level is also rideable. Go to Rockin' Rockitz,
and position yourself with your back towards the ride. In front of you is the
green wall of the coaster, and a long chimney-type arrangement on the side.
Go around this to either side and skate into the door. Then hold Down to stop.
Wait for a train of cars to approach from the right, then grind to the left in
front of it. Stay balanced (or enable the code) and ride it.

Easy tricks:
To do the tricks that they yell out easily, enable the "Matrix mode" and "Moon
gravity" codes. Quickly do the tricks in the air. Note: If you do not do this
fast enough, you will have to do it twice.

Hint: Quick tricks:
Buy the "Hoverboard" cheat. As soon as you are in a special, quickly pause game
play and go to the cheats menu. Keep selecting "Hoverboard" on and off, and your
skater will do the special trick while paused.

Trick line:
From the start, there should be some stairs with rails on either side of them.
Skate forward and Kick Flip onto the rail to the left of the stairs and land in
a 5-0 Grind. Jump off the rail still going straight and do an Impossible into
a Nose Manual. Keep going forward to see some more rails. Impossible