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Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of
the file before proceeding. Add the "-allowconsole" command line parameter
to end of the "Target" field in the "Shortcut" properties that are used to
launch the game. In the Steam version, right click XCOM 2 in your Steam
Library, then select the "Properties" option in the "General" tab. Select
the "Set Launch Options" button, and enter "-allowconsole" in the text
field. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window.
Type "enablecheats" and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, type
one of the following codes and press [Enter] at the console window to
activate the corresponding cheat function:

Result Cheat Code
All units invincible - TakeNoDamage
All units invincible/ infinite ammo - PowerUp
Toggle build all facilities - SetStrategyFacilitiesUnlockAll
Toggle all facilities free - SetStratagyFacilitiesFree
Toggle build facilities instantly - SetStratagyFacilitiesInstantBuild
Toggle build all facilities
instantly for free - SetStratagyFacilitiesSuperSpree
Get Advent MEC corpses - giveresource CorpseAdventMEC [number]
Get Advent Officer corpses - giveresource CorpseAdventOfficer [number]
Get Advent Shieldbearer corpses - giveresource CorpseAdventShieldbearer [number]
Get Advent Stun Lancer corpses - giveresource CorpseAdventStunLancer [number]
Get Advent Trooper corpses - giveresource CorpseAdventTrooper [number]
Get Alien Alloys - giveresource AlienAlloy [number]
Get Archon corpses - giveresource CorpseArchon [number]
Get Berserker corpses - giveresource CorpseBerserker [number]
Get E.X.O. Suits - additem heavyplatedarmor [number]
Get Elerium Cores - giveresource EleriumCore [number]
Get Elerium Crystals - giveresource EleriumDust [number]
Get Faceless corpses - giveresource CorpseFaceless [number]
Get Intel - giveresource Intel [number]
Get Muton corpses - giveresource CorpseMuton [number]
Get PCS: Superior Agility - additem EpicPCSAgility [number]
Get PCS: Superior Conditioning - additem EpicPCSConditioning [number]
Get PCS: Superior Focus - additem EpicPCSFocus [number]
Get PCS: Superior Perception - additem EpicPCSPerception [number]
Get PCS: Superior Speed - additem EpicPCSSpeed [number]
Get Sectoid corpses - giveresource CorpseSectoid [number]
Get Spider Suits - additem lightplatedarmor [number]
Get Superior Auto-Loaders - additem ReloadUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Expanded Magazines - additem ClipSizeUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Hair Triggers - additem FreeFireUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Laser Sights - additem CritUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Repeaters - additem FreeKillUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Scopes - additem AimUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Superior Stocks - additem MissDamageUpgrade_Sup [number]
Get Supplies - giveresource supplies [number]
Get Viper corpses - giveresource CorpseViper [number]
Get W.A.R. Suits - additem heavypoweredarmor [number]
Get Wraith Suits - additem lightpoweredarmor [number]
Get the indicated tech - GiveTech [tech name]
Get a Scientist with skill level - givescientist [number]
Get an Engineer with skill level - giveengineer [number]

Cheat mode (configuration file):
Use a text editor to edit the indicated file in the directory:
"Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Config".
Edit the listed parameter in that file as desired.

Effect File Parameter
Increase squad size - DefaultGameData.ini - MaxSoldiersOnMission
Low HP enemies - DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.ini - CharacterBaseStats[eStat_HP]
Magnetic Rifle dam. - DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini - AssaultRifle_Magnetic_BaseDamage
Grenade expl. - DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini - FragGrenade_Radius
Clothes and beard - DefaultNameList.ini - NewSoldier_HatChance
Mov. speed carrying - DefaultGameCore.ini - CARRY_UNIT_MOBILITY_ADJUST
Better Shadowstrike - DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills.ini - SHADOWSTRIKE_CRIT
Better Conceal - DefaultGameData_SoldierSkills.ini - STEALTH_CHARGES
Powerful weapon att - DefaultGameCore.ini - FREE_KILL_BSC or FREE_RELOADS_BSC
Less enemies - DefaultMissions.ini - MaxSpawnCount

Customize a soldier and change his name to one of the following entries to
unlock the corresponding character.
Note: This will prevent achievements or trophies from being earned.

Hero Name
Sid Meier (Psi Operative Magnus) - Sid Meier
Peter Van Hoorn (Assault Build Ranger Colonel) - Peter Van Hoorn
Beaglerush (Grenadier) - Beaglerush (nickname)

Advance with Caution:
When you come out of concealment, do it carefully. Running ahead is risky,
since you could trigger an enemy encounter halfway through a turn, when
you're not prepared. Keep a single character at the front of the group (the
Ranger works best), and let the others tag behind by at least a square or
two. Why take unnecessary risks when it's so easy to play things safe?

The Advanced Warfare Chamber Is Terrific:
Are you having trouble deciding what facility to go for next? Make it the
Advanced Warfare Chamber, which has a whole host of benefits. It nearly
halves the time you'll have to wait for soldiers to heal, for starters,
and there's also the chance it will grant them additional skills when they
level up (from other character classes). That can work out in a number of
ways, and there's a really good chance it will work in your favor. Try to
get that facility early in your campaign to maximize its impact.

Claim Continents:
If you can gain access to every region within a continent and then build
a sufficient number of radio beacons (represented by small dots next to
the map bonus), you'll gain a random bonus. The exact bonus changes from
one play session to another, but you should always find it beneficial and
worth pursuing.

Scientists, Engineers, and Intel Are Your Friends:
When you can choose between the rewards you receive, make sure you always
go for Scientists, Engineers, or Intel. The first two options let you
upgrade your troops and base more quickly, while Intel is useful for a
variety of important reasons (including the links you need to establish
with new regions).

Avatar Project Delays:
Once the Avatar project is completed, you'll be in a world of hurt if
you're not prepared. However, you can delay things quite a bit. As the
bar reaches its halfway point, complete Alien Facility missions to drop
it by at least two points. Guerrilla Ops assign