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Update by: avinash bhojwani

While playing, press [F2] to bring up the input box, then type any of the following
cheat codes:

Code Result
maxammo - Full ammo for current weapon.
healme 100 - Restore health to 100%.
superdeform - Big feet and head with tiny body.
flowerpower 1 - Changes blood to flowers and blood splatter.
playersonly - Player only allowed to move; repeat to deactivate, may freeze game
if active during flashback.
suicide - Kill your character.
quit - Instantly end game.
ghost - Flight mode.
walk - Disable flight mode.
god - God mode.
allammo - Get ammunition.

God mode:

Use a text editor to edit the "user.ini" file in the "\ubi soft\xiii\system" folder.
Change the "Comma=" entry to "Comma=GOD". Begin game play and press [Comma] to enable
God mode.


(retail GOD mode cheat)
Having read every BS posting about entering things into "user.ini" in the retail version
of XIII, I found this on a German forum (and just about managed to translate it enough
to get it to work).

This god mode cheat actually works !!

Save a copy of engine.u before starting, just in case you screw it!

You will need to open the file in an editor that allows you to hex edit the file
(look one up on google), so you can edit it without windows buggering it up. I
used programmer studio and opened it as a binary file.

Search the file for the word "God" and replace it with something like "dog"
(I 'm an atheist, but if you're not and are easily offended, then change it to
something else, just as long as it is a word that is unique it should be OK),
then save the file. Now when you want to get into (or out of) god mode, just
hit F2 and type dog (or whatever three letter word you used).

It's as simple as that.

PS: the reason I said BS posting, is that there is no "user.ini" file, and it
appears to ignore any you create.

Tip to defeat Mangoose:

In the penultimate level when you have to fight Mangoose you are in a hall full
of rockets. Mangoose will always run around the rockets and thus dodge you. It's
difficult to shoot him down with just bullets. Apart from shooting him also try
to shoot at rocket sheathing as soon as he appears around the corner of the rocket.
A poisonous gas is released when you shoot at the rocket which does more harm
than mere shooting.

The level is made more difficult since there are no health packs and armour in
the beginning. But try to continue to hold ur ground till the health bar of
Mangoose reaches half. Then some of the rockets will start going down and dead
soldiers will fall from above. search their bodies for armour and you will get
plenty of them to last till you finish off with Mangoose.

Kill Mongoose easily in less than a minute:

First after cut-scene immediately go behind & take ladder which u came from
as cover perfectly. So mongoose comes very near to u but not shoot u neither
run.He stands there as if stucked.Now immediately move & give him headshots
continously with machine gun. This will lead to another cut-scene. Repeat
this again. This time u must be able to kill him.

Better sniping accuracy:
When in sniper mode, zoom in. To steady yourself for greater accuracy, sit
there and do not touch anything to look or move for about five secounds or
until he stops moving around. You can now look around with perfect dead aim

Quick gun:
At the start of the game, run though the back door to a gun faster and safer
than going to the man at the front. Note: Hit him in the head and he will
die faster.

More ammunition:
Wait until an enemy reloads his weapon before killing him. Kill him before
he fires his gun and you will get a full magazine for your weapon.

Get the Dual Weapons skill early:
In the military base level where you have to rescue general Carington, there
is a door on the left that leads to some kind of bedroom just before the room
with the shaft leading to Carington's prison cell. Enter the room and take out
the three SPADS soldiers in the room. At the opposite end of the room to the
right is a locker standing by itself. Open it to get a 9 mm pistol, and the
Dual Weapons skill will be enabled. From now on you will be able to use dual
pistols and miniguns.

Kill man on sub:

the bottom of a ladder. Fall down the ladder to kill him easily, and get some
assault rifle ammunition.

Keeping out of sight:
At the start of level 13 "Dr. Freakshow, I Presume", make sure that the
receptionist does not see you. If she does, the receptionist will send a lot of
soldiers on you with shotguns, which is bad if you are very low on health.

More blood:
In the level with the lifegaurd that gets shot after you get the throwing knives,
kill an enemy. Then, start stabbing the dead body. Little drops of blood will

Strange song:
Somewhere in the mental hospital level, there should be a woman in a white coat
with red hair behind a desk-like object with metal grating to show that they
are closed. A few are open, but you cannot get in. Get close but still remain
hidden. Listen and you should hear her singing a song that has a line like
"You can close your mind but still be on the run", which the same song the
"grim reaper" you must chase in hunt mode sings.

Ubisoft logo:
When you first start the FBI level, immediately after the woman shoots out
your cuffs, go to the center of the room with the three computers. You will
find the Ubisoft logo acting as a screensaver.

Item names:
Use one of the following entries with the summon code.

Item Code
Miniuzi - xiii.MiniUziPick
Granate - xiii.GrenadPick
Magnum - xiii.MagnumPick
Medi Kit - xiii.FullMedPick
Light Vest - xiii.GiletMk1Pick
Heavy Vest - xiii.GiletMk2Pick
Grenade - xiii.FGrenadPick
Helmet - xiii.CasquePick
Hunting Gun - xiii.FusilChassePick
Microphone - xiii.MicroPick
M60n - xiii.m60pick
Kalashikov - xiii.kalashpick
Sniper Rifle - xiii.FusilSnipePick
Harpoon Gun - xiii.LHarponPick
Bazooka - xiii.BazookPick
Crossbow 3x - xiii.ArbaleteX3Pick
Crossbow - xiii.ArbaletePick
Silencer - xiii.SilencerPick
Knife - xiii.TKnifePick
Bottle - xiii.Bottle3DecoPick
Bottle - xiii.Bottle2DecoPick
Roofridge Aid - xiii.MedPick
Shotgun - xiii.FusilPompePick
Full Health - xiii.AutoFullMedPick
Hook - xiii.HookPick
Beretta - xiii.BerettaPick

Sixth Sense:
To use the 6th sense, you must either stand still, or walk slowly ( when you
crouch and walk you automatically walk slow), and when you do this you will
see some "tck, tck, tck" where the enemy is. This even works when an enemy
is behind a wall.

Secret areas:
* FBI:
In the second area [by the hole in the wall], go through the first room and take
a left in the room where the floor just crash open. Go down and