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Ark: Survival Evolved - PC

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Console Codes (Single-Player):
Press TAB to bring up the cheat console. From there, you can enter the following
codes and press ENTER to unlock the corresponding effects.

Code Effect
God - Enables God Mode.
Fly - You can fly.
Walk - Deactivates "Fly" cheat.
Teleport - Teleport forward in the direction you're facing.
Ghost - noclip (you can walk through walls and objects).
ToggleInfiniteAmmo - Infinite ammo.
addexperience 1000 1 1 - Receive 1000 XP (or some other number of your choosing).
giveresources - Receive 50 of each resource.
setcheatplayer true - Enables menu.
setcheatplayer false - Disables menu.
giveengrams - All crafting recipes are unlocked.
settimeofday - You can set the time of day to suit your preference
(i.e. 11:00).

Launch codes:
Start the "server.exe" program with the following command line parameters
to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Disable player vs. player - ServerPVE
Character wiped to level 1 upon death - ServerHardcore
Enable crosshairs - ServerCrosshair
Disable floating names - ServerForceNoHUD
Save server data to alternate directory - AltSave[directory name]
Everyone can hear all chat - GlobalVoiceChat
Text chat only appears to people that near - ProximityChat
Disable outside downloads characters/dinos - NoTributeDownloads
Third person mode - AllowThirdPersonPlayer
Display message when someone leaves - AlwaysNotifyPlayerLeft
Disable message when someone joins - DontAlwaysNotifyPlayerJoined
Show your location on map - MapPlayerLocation
Set difficulty; "0" is default - DifficultyOffset=[0 or 1]

In-game codes:
Press [Tab] to display the console window, then type enablecheats [admin password]
to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following commands in the console
window to activate the corresponding cheat function. Some codes only have an effect
in multiplayer mode.

Effect Code
Enable cheat menu - setcheatplayer true
Disable cheat menu - setcheatplayer false
Whitelists a player - cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck [SteamID]
Remove player from whitelist - cheat DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck [SteamID]
Broadcast message to everyone - cheat broadcast [message]
Set login message - cheat SetMessageOfTheDay [message]
God mode; can still drown - cheat God
Flight mode - cheat Fly
Disable Flight mode. - cheat Walk
Teleport to pointer - cheat Teleport
Set movement speed; "1" is default - cheat slomo [number]
Freeze dinosaurs at current
location and stops crafting - cheat playersonly
Walk through objects - cheat Ghost
Tames dinosaur;
can ride without saddle - cheat forcetame
Gain indicated amount of experience - cheat addexperience [experience points] 0 0
+50 of all resource - cheat giveresources
Unlimited hunger, stamina, ammo, etc.- cheat infinitestats
Ban a user - banplayer [SteamID]
Unban a user - unbanplayer [SteamID]
damages targeted creature - cheat damagetarget [number]
Destroy all enemies; will respawn - cheat destroyallenemies
Unlock all crafting recipes1 - giveengrams
Damage yourself - cheat hurtme [number]
Toggle visibility of currently
equipped weapon, tool, or hands - togglegun
Set time of day - cheat settimeofday [hh:mm]
Teleport to coordinates - cheat setplayerpos [x y z]
Save current worldstate - cheat saveworld
Exit current world - cheat quit
Set character to sleep or wakes them - cheat execsetsleeping [true or false]
Creatures ignore you - cheat enemyinvisible [true or false]
Destroy all objects or dinosaurs of
indicated name. - cheat destroyall [creature name]
Spawn creature at your location - cheat summon [creature name]
Spawn item - cheat giveitemnum [item name] [quantity]
[quality] [true or false]
Display frame rate and latency - stat fps
-=Single player=-
Pause or resume game2 - Pause
Destroy targeted object or dinosaur - destroytarget
Show debug information - debugstructures

Creature names:
Use one of the following entries with the cheat summon codes.

Creature Code
Anklyo - Ankylo_Character_BP_C
Araneo - SpiderS_Character_BP_C
Carno - Carno_Character_BP_C
Dilo - Dilo_Character_BP_C
Dodo - Dodo_Character_BP_C
Mammoth - Mammoth_Character_BP_C
Parasaur - Para_Character_BP_C
Phioma - Phiomia_Character_BP_C
Raptor - Raptor_Character_BP_C
Saber - Saber_Character_BP_C
Sarco - Sarco_Character_BP_C
Brontosaurus - Sauropod_Character_BP_C
Scorpion - Scorpion_Character_BP_C
Stegosaurus - Stego_Character_BP_C
Titanboa - BoaFrill_Character_BP_C
T-Rex - Rex_Character_BP_C
Trike - Trike_Character_BP_C
Turtle - Turtle_Character_BP_C
Coelacanth - Coel_Character_BP_C
Megalodon - Megalodon_Character_BP_C
Piranha - Piranha_Character_BP_C

Argentavis - Argent_Character_BP_C
Onyc - Bat_Character_BP_C
Ptero - Ptero_Character_BP_C
Creature Name - Boss Creatures
Broodmother Lyrix - SpiderL_Character_BP_C

Quick Inventory Saves Time:
You can conveniently re-craft a quick key item that breaks by pressing the quick inventory
key, provided you possess the required materials. Hold down the quick key for a moment and
you'll see a list of the items needed, as well as your current stock. If you would prefer,
of course, you can move the item into your regular inventory and repair it. That option is

Collecting items:
Destroy a storage box and the items it contains will drop in a bundle that you can collect.

Replacing items:
After an item breaks, you can re-craft it quickly if you already have the necessary
ingredients. Hold [Quick Inventory] to see the required items and their availability in your
inventory. Note: This will be more expensive than the normal method of moving the item into
your regular inventory before repairing.

Beginner Tips:
* If you are just beginning an adventure in ARK: Survival Evolved, keep the following tips
in mind to get started on the right foot.
* Pay attention to the order in which you place things. For example, you should place a
foundation before you place a ramp. Try to do it the other way aro