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Press SHIFT + ~ (tilde) to open the console window and enter the following
cheats for the desired effect.

Code Effect
sweetMoves(gamechar); - Unlock all powermoves.
goodTimes(gamechar); - Gives you some drugs.
vegasBaby(gamechar); - Gives you some money 99999.
godlike(gamechar); - Infinite health.
swingingbeef(gamechar); - Maxes out your base ball level and fills the meter.
alloftheabove(gamechar); - Grants all of the effects of the other codes at once.
pauseDaylight(1); - Stops day/night cycle.
CharacterCreator.Toggle - Opens the character creator, where you can make new babes,
avatars, etc.
gamechar.setFightBuff (x); - Sets your combat level to the specified number.
(I.E. setFightBuff (900);)
gamecahr.setSexBuff (x); - Sets your stamina level to the specified number.
(I.E. setSexBuff (900);)