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Caesar 4 - PC

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Update by: Shaharyar Shaikh

Press [ENTER] while playing then type any of the following
cheat codes.

Code Result
Denarii # - Get indicated amount of Denarri
win - Win Scenario
Jupiter - Hit selected units
fire - Toggle fires
plague - Toggle plague
earthquake - Trigger earthquake
rain - Rainy weather
moral - Toggle military morale
requests - Toggle requests from superiors
Savings [number] - Set current money savings
Unlock - Unlock all 37 scenarios
Unleashed - Lose current scenario
satisfy - Toggle citizen dissatisfaction

Press enter during gameplay then type in the code:
Savings X - Get X amount of Savings (replace X with a number)


When you have a large stock of food, then only start building the army,
or the food supply will rapidly run out.